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Should You Use Your Own Name as Domain Name? Pros and Cons


So you've finally decided to start a blog, but you're stuck on choosing a domain name?Although you may have read our previous guide on how to choose the right domain name, you are still stuck with this big question:
Should I use my own name as a domain name or should I use a natural name?
Don't worry, because you are not alone in this problem. Let me assist you in finding the response to this query since a ShoutUniversity student also requested it. There are pros and cons to choosing a domain name as your own name, and there are some reasons.
Let's look at both sides and come to a conclusion.

Pros: Use your name as a domain name

Using your own name as a domain name has some obvious advantages, such as:

Personal Brand:

You are your own brand, thus you may always use your name as your domain name if that is what you want to do.If your name is complicated, you can be a little more specific here, since you can use the first name + niche "in any order" as your brand name. Examples: DigitalDeepak, FoodieJeevan
If you choose to utilize your name as a domain name, Donna Merril advises utilizing catchy tags to complement.
Here's what it offers:
I think using your own name is fine for your domain name and blog.Simply come up with a catchy phrase that summarizes what you do. I use my name followed by the word "tribe". My tagline says "Blogging and Internet Marketing Made Easy" works for me.
The hardest thing is to visit a blog and not know the author's name, so remember that you don't know the author, if you decide not to use your name.

Increases confidence:

Using your own domain name increases credibility as you become the face of your brand. People like to connect with people, and there is nothing discouraging to have the person behind the website in front of you. 

Best for portfolio/CV sites:

When building your portfolio or website resume, it makes sense to use yours. In fact, many authors, designers, and digital marketers choose to use their name for the same purpose. It also fulfills the needs of the brand and helps attract more customers to their business.

Cons: why not use your name as domain name

Let's see if the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Your domain name may fail "domain phone test"

Domain phone testing is a great way to find domain names.

If I give you my domain name on the phone, you will be able to type it without asking me how to spell it. So if I say "Go to" on the phone, you probably won't be able to type it without telling me to type it. Agrawal is rarely limited and can be confusing. Go to” When I talk to you on the phone, there are no spelling mistakes.

The domain name is hard to sell later

The main reason I advise my pupils against using their own names as domain names is for this reason. Although you may have a simple plan for your website, many people are starting, but it can be a big thing, if you plan to sell you can have inside In a few years, it will be a hard sell. Buyers prefer a marketable domain name that is not associated with a brand. 


There are many schools of thought here, my job here is to let you know all the pros and cons.
If your goal is personal branding and you don't want to sell your website, using your own name is acceptable. If your goal is to start a business and you plan to sell it in the future, using a natural name is the best way.
What you can do is: You can have a natural name for your business "Ex: techplus" and a personal name for your personal space "ex: Harsh in".
Since all good hosting companies can host multiple domains on the same hosting, it won't cost you anything except the cost of the domain name, and it meets both of your needs. Note: Bluehost is one of the best WordPress hosting that offers free domain names and multi-domain hosting.

What if you already use your name as a domain name? 

Well, if you understand the benefits I mentioned above, use your domain name. However, if you think you made a mistake in your domain name selection, you can always change your domain name and update the migration. For example, I recently moved my domain from "" to "" and earlier " and" as I realized more benefits. When a domain name change is done properly, it doesn't affect your traffic and you get the benefit of a new image. Well, I leave this discussion to everyone and I would like to hear your thoughts on what to do and not use your own name as a domain name.
What do you prefer and why?
By : Techplus
I like to write, like to share what I know. Although not well written. So I don't care if people like reading or not? :D

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